Frequently Asked Questions

Programs & Offerings

  • Does Spirit Song only offer programs for children and adolescents?

    No. Spirit Song also has a number of programs for adults, featuring our Building Blocks To Success training courses.

    [You can read more about Youth Programs here.]

    [You can read more about Adult Programs here.]

  • Does Spirit Song offer riding lessons?

    Yes! Spirit Song’s Riding program teaches a balanced seat and English riding principles, which translate across all horse-related disciplines. Students learn many aspects of horse care and well-being, providing the essential education needed to create capable and informed caretakers of the horse.

  • What's the difference between equine-assisted therapy and equine-assisted learning?

    While we believe that all interactions with horses are therapeutic, Spirit Song’s programs differ from most equine-assisted therapy programs, specifically therapeutic riding. Therapeutic riding concentrates on the physical benefits of horseback riding for children with disabilities, often focusing on balance, coordination, motor skills, and muscle strength.

    Spirit Song specializes in the personal-growth aspects of the horse-to-human connection. We utilize a coaching model, conducting unmounted, groundwork activities and guided debriefs that promote insights and learning, providing participants with valuable action steps to enhance their relationships with self and others.

  • Does Spirit Song offer programs year-round?

    Yes, most of our programs do run year-round. Riding lessons pause for a few weeks during the hottest and coldest months of the year to give the horses a much-needed rest.

  • Do students need to have prior experience with horses to benefit from your programs?

    No! The beauty of Spirit Song’s programs is the focus on the horse-human connection, and participation in any of our programs does not require any prior experience. Spirit Song’s facilitators place a great emphasis on safety, and we strive to create an environment for positive experiences for both the horse and the human.

  • Can Spirit Song accommodate children with physical disabilities for its programs?

    Yes, Spirit Song’s groundwork programs offer options for children and adults with physical disabilities. Please contact us to discuss specific accommodations.

  • Do you offer anything for families who would like to take a program together? Or a Mother/Daughter Program?

    Absolutely! Our programs are designed to be tailored to the specific needs of our participants and can be focused on a variety of topics.

Horse-Related Questions

  • Are all of your horses big, or do you have ponies, too?

    We have horses of all sizes!

  • Do you board horses?

    No. Each horse on our equine team is chosen for its exceptional temperament and willing disposition to work with humans. They have important jobs to do! Therefore, we do not accept outside horses for boarding at our facilities.

Logistics & Participation

  • Do you offer Spirit Song tours to the public?

    Yes, we offer tours by appointment only. Please contact us if you would like to set up a tour.

  • What should students wear for their sessions?

    Riding Lessons: Students are asked to wear jeans or riding pants, as well as closed-toe shoes with a low heel. Cowboy boots or English riding boots are preferred. No sneakers or tennis shoes, please. Helmets are always required when mounted. A small selection of riding boots and helmets is available for use by the student during their designated riding time, but purchase of one’s own helmet and boots is recommended to ensure availability. A list of stores and suggested items is available upon request.

    Groundwork Programs: Long pants are recommended during the colder months, but shorts are just fine on warm days. Closed-toe shoes are required. Sneakers, tennis shoes, or boots are fine. No crocs, sandals, or flip-flops, please.

    While we have a temperature-controlled lounge area, we are often outside, and weather can be unpredictable, especially during certain times of the year. Layers are highly recommended for any program during the colder months.

Gift Certificates & Donations

  • Do you offer gift certificates I can purchase for birthday or Christmas gifts?

    Yes, our gift certificates are great for special occasions! Please contact us to discuss the details, as we offer many program options and will tailor the certificates to best fit your needs.

  • How do I donate?

Volunteering & Employment

  • Do you have a volunteering program?

  • I am interested in your mission and would like to know about employment opportunities with Spirit Song. Are you currently accepting applications or resumes?

    For information about employment opportunities, please contact Joe McAlexander at (214) 542-1772.

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